Monday, March 26, 2007

3/26 - 9:45pm - SPC is Making Me Look Bad!

Ha ha ha... I feel like I'm being joked on by someone (punk'd in today's terminology). Just a day after I put out a forecast video update saying, "any severe storms should break up over the Mississippi River," the SPC puts this out:

So yes, there is a severe risk in here for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I think our best chance is late Thursday night, although the instability on Wednesday is pretty good too. Any limiting factors (CIN model) are very low at this point for these days. Our severe risk won't be as significant as the risk just west of the MS. River, but nevertheless I think we have a risk here. I think the SPC was waiting for the new CAPE models (measures atmospheric instability) to come out for the end of the week before they made their final judgment. So keep your eyes open!

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