Thursday, February 19, 2009

2/19 - 6pm - Ryan in the News... Yet Again!

Davis Instruments (the maker of the weather station in my front yard) posted a story about me in their February E-Newsletter today:

Ryan Hoke is still in high school, but he knows just what he will be studying at Mississippi State University this fall: meteorology. He plans to use his degree, his love of weather, and his unruffled charm as a television weather broadcaster. The young weatherman is already a sort of institution in his hometown of Fisherville, Kentucky, where he keeps the public informed of local weather on his Ryan's Weather web site and in weekly videos he produces and posts to his web site. He has even been a guest weather broadcaster on WAVE TV 3. (A video of him on WAVE TV 3 is pretty impressive. It looks to us like he has been doing the weather in front of a camera for years!)

And he is not just a proud weather geek, he's a proud, entrepreneurial weather geek! Check out the store on his site where he sells such very cool things as tee-shirts that say, "I'm a Weather Geek. Are YOU?" (Altogether now: "Yesssss!!")

And what kind of station does the Boy Wonder use? Of course, it's a Vantage Pro2.

Ryan was featured in a story by Charlie White in the Courier-Journal. If you happen to run into Ryan, you might want to ask for his autograph now and beat the crowds.

To see the full article and picture from Davis Instruments, click here. Want one of those cool T-shirts mentioned in the article? Click here.

Needless to say, I'm floored by this article and I think Davis does a great job with the newsletter.


Meteorologist Erik Proseus said...

Ryan - Awesome write-up in the Davis e-News article! I was reading through the newsletter and said, "Hey I know about that guy!" Congrats on more press - well-deserved!


Ryan Hoke said...

That's hilarious! I thought someone I knew would see it at some point!


Michael Detwiler said...

Congratulations on the Davis article. I subscribe to their e-News and saw it!

Keep up the great work, my friend!
