Wednesday, November 28, 2007

11/28 - 6pm - Rain... For Now...

We're still on the rain train for this weekend's storm and that's what I'm going with until one of the models flips out (which will happen I bet). I'm thinking that we'll get some sort of ice or snow changeover at some point in this storm, but it will be short lived. With all of the models taking this storm north, I can't say too much else. I do want to issue this one word of caution though, the storm of December 2004 was forecast to be all rain just a couple days ahead of the storm. That was before all the computer models went nuts and suddenly brought it way south. If you remember, the salt trucks couldn't get out because they didn't have enough warning due to the wackiness with the forecast. So just stay tuned even though it looks very bleak for any snow at this point.

Until then we'll see clear conditions (little chance for some flurries tonight) and temperatures in the 40's and 50's until after the weekend, when we tank into the 30's.

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